Berikut ini 2 Contoh Dialog Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Sehari Hari dan Lengkap Dengan Terjemahannya.
Dialog 1.
Lena : Nesa, you look sleepy.
Nesa, kamu tampak mengantuk.
Nesa : Do I?
Lena : Yes. What time did you go to bed last night?
Ya. Pukul berapa kamu tidur tadi malam?
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Nesa : I went to bed at 2 a.m.
Saya tidur pukul 2 dini hari.
Lena : At 2 a.m.?
Pukul 2 dini hari?
Nesa : Yes.
Lena : What did you do before you went to bed last night?
Apa yang kamu lakukan tadi malam sebelum kamu pergi tidur?
Nesa : I watched TV.
Saya menonton TV.
Lena : How about your parents? Were they at home last night?
Bagaimana dengan kedua orang tuamu. Apakah mereka ada di rumah semalam?
Nesa : Yes, they were.
Lena : What time did your father go to bed?
Pukul berapa ayahmu tidur?
Nesa : My father went to bed at 10 p.m.
Ayahku tidur pukul 10 malam.
Lena : And your mother? What time did she go to bed?
Dan ibumu? Pukul berapa ibumu tidur?
Nesa : She went to bed at half past ten p.m.
Dia tidur pukul 10.30 malam.
Lena : What time did your brother sleep?
Pukul berapa saudaramu tidur?
Nesa : He slept at 11 p.m.
Dia tidur pukul 11 malam.
Lena : And your sister? What time did she sleep?
Dan saudarimu? Pukul berapa dia pergi tidur?
Nesa : She went to bed much earlier. She slept at about 9 p.m.
Dia tidur jauh lebih awal. Dia tidur sekitar pukul 9 malam.
Nesa : I went to bed at 2 a.m.
Saya tidur pukul 2 dini hari.
Lena : At 2 a.m.?
Pukul 2 dini hari?
Nesa : Yes.
Lena : What did you do before you went to bed last night?
Apa yang kamu lakukan tadi malam sebelum kamu pergi tidur?
Nesa : I watched TV.
Saya menonton TV.
Lena : How about your parents? Were they at home last night?
Bagaimana dengan kedua orang tuamu. Apakah mereka ada di rumah semalam?
Nesa : Yes, they were.
Lena : What time did your father go to bed?
Pukul berapa ayahmu tidur?
Nesa : My father went to bed at 10 p.m.
Ayahku tidur pukul 10 malam.
Lena : And your mother? What time did she go to bed?
Dan ibumu? Pukul berapa ibumu tidur?
Nesa : She went to bed at half past ten p.m.
Dia tidur pukul 10.30 malam.
Lena : What time did your brother sleep?
Pukul berapa saudaramu tidur?
Nesa : He slept at 11 p.m.
Dia tidur pukul 11 malam.
Lena : And your sister? What time did she sleep?
Dan saudarimu? Pukul berapa dia pergi tidur?
Nesa : She went to bed much earlier. She slept at about 9 p.m.
Dia tidur jauh lebih awal. Dia tidur sekitar pukul 9 malam.
Baca Juga: Bisa Berbahasa Inggris Dalam Waktu Hanya 3 Bulan
Dialog 2.
Nadia: Hi, Linda. How is it going?
Hai, Linda. Apa kabar?
Linda: Fine, thanks. How are you?
Saya baik, terima kasih. Apa kabarmu?
Nadia: Fine, too.
Baik juga.
Linda: What do you do now, Nadia?
Apa pekerjaanmu sekarang, Nadia?
Nadia: I'm a doctor. And what is your job?
Saya dokter. Dan apa pekerjaanmu?
Linda: I'm a manager.
Saya seorang manajer.
Nadia: Where do you work?
Di mana kamu bekerja?
Linda: I work for KOMPAS Daily.
Saya bekerja di Harian KOMPAS.
Nadia: What about your brother? What does he do?
Bagaimana dengan saudaramu? Apa pekerjaannya?
Linda: He is a dentist.
Dia seorang dokter gigi.
Nadia: Really? Where does he work?
Sungguh? Di mana dia bekerja?
Linda: He works at Panti Rapih Hospital.
Dia bekerja di Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih.
Nadia: And your sister?
Dan saudarimu?
Linda: My sister?
Nadia: Yes. What is your sister's profession?
Ya. Apa profesi saudarimu?
Linda: My sister is a secretary.
Saudariku seorang sekretaris.
Nalia: Where does your sister work?
Di mana saudarimu bekerja?
Linda: My sister works for Mr Gorsku.
Saudariku kerja untuk Pak Gorsku.
Dialog 2.
Nadia: Hi, Linda. How is it going?
Hai, Linda. Apa kabar?
Linda: Fine, thanks. How are you?
Saya baik, terima kasih. Apa kabarmu?
Nadia: Fine, too.
Baik juga.
Linda: What do you do now, Nadia?
Apa pekerjaanmu sekarang, Nadia?
Nadia: I'm a doctor. And what is your job?
Saya dokter. Dan apa pekerjaanmu?
Linda: I'm a manager.
Saya seorang manajer.
Nadia: Where do you work?
Di mana kamu bekerja?
Linda: I work for KOMPAS Daily.
Saya bekerja di Harian KOMPAS.
Nadia: What about your brother? What does he do?
Bagaimana dengan saudaramu? Apa pekerjaannya?
Linda: He is a dentist.
Dia seorang dokter gigi.
Nadia: Really? Where does he work?
Sungguh? Di mana dia bekerja?
Linda: He works at Panti Rapih Hospital.
Dia bekerja di Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih.
Nadia: And your sister?
Dan saudarimu?
Linda: My sister?
Nadia: Yes. What is your sister's profession?
Ya. Apa profesi saudarimu?
Linda: My sister is a secretary.
Saudariku seorang sekretaris.
Nalia: Where does your sister work?
Di mana saudarimu bekerja?
Linda: My sister works for Mr Gorsku.
Saudariku kerja untuk Pak Gorsku.